LGBTQ Committee

LGBTQ Committee


The LGBTQ Committee, a subcommittee of the University of Virginia Diversity Council, was established in 2011 by Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity & Equity Marcus Martin.  The committee is charged with:

  • Discussing and addressing items of interest to the LGBTQ community;
  • Reviewing best practices of other institutions;
  • Making regular reports to the Diversity Council about the work of the group;
  • Providing recommendations, where appropriate, to the Diversity Council and/or senior administration; and
  • Strategizing as to how to implement recommendations.

To learn more about UVA’s inclusion of the LGBTQ community and our committee’s accomplishments since its inception, please see this resource.


Each year, several events of interest to the LGBTQ community at UVA and in Charlottesville take place, including:

  • An annual Welcome Reception for New and Returning LGBTQ UVA employees, which takes place early in the fall semester. To receive notice of this event, subscribe to the UVA Pride listserv (link at bottom of page).
  • The Cville Pride Festival, which takes place each year in September. For more information, see:
  • UVA LGBTQ Employee Resource Group (ERG) social events. To receive notice of these events, subscribe to the UVA Pride listserv.
  • The Serpentine Society's Annual Fall Weekend. For more information, see:
Courtesy of


Gary Nimax, Committee Co-Chair

Kimberly Acquaviva, Committee Co-Chair

To request to subscribe to the UVA Pride listserv, use the following link and note your email address: